Monotheism– Belief in one Deity only
Polytheism– Belief in multiple Divine aspects
Duotheism/ Ditheism– Believing in two Divine aspects, typically working in a complementary fashion.
Monism– Everything can be condensed into one single Divine form.
Pantheism– Divinity & the universe are one. The rocks, trees, humans, bugs, everything that has ever existed & will ever exist is one with Divinity.
Panentheism– Divinity & the universe are conjoined. A part of Deity is in all creation, & also greater than it.
Henotheism– Believing that your Deity as well as other Deities exist simultaneously.
Deism– Divinity exists, but doesn’t interfere with creation.
Hard Polytheism- Different Divine forms exist & are independent of each other.
Soft Polytheism– Divine forms exist but are expressions of a single or multipoint forms.
Monolatry– Many Deities exist, but only one is focused upon.
Dystheism– Divine forms, but aren’t necessarily all good or evil, mix of both.
Eutheism– Deity is loving & incapable of evil
Misotheism– Deity is evil
Kathenotheism– Belief in multiple Deities, but worshipping one as supreme at a time