Back In Action

It’s been a very long time, but I’m glad to be back. Most of you don’t know, but about ten years ago i made Circle of the Divine with the hopes of connecting Pagans the world over no matter their affiliation. I had a great community built, a lot of videos, forum posts, books, what have you. Basically everything but the kitchen sink, but then I started running into a lot of resistances with my family & changes with my living situation and heart. After a lot of thought I decided to move on. But now I’m back & more ready than ever to rebuild a community of Pagans. To give insight and support to new Pagans, and a stable place to call home for our more senior ranks. Building The Circle will take a lot of time and effort, love and growth, but I look forward to rekindling the flame and having this site become the community I know it can be. I hope you all help me and this community prosper!