
Relationships and Faith (23September2013)

Interfaith dating is such a thorny subject, filled with a plethora of conditions, circumstantials, debate, worry and all that cheese, so is it worth it?

There are plenty on both sides that have their own testimonials on how delightful or terrible it is, so who’s right?

To be honest, I believe that it depends on the couple since things as important as faith can better both involved or it could knock the couple sideways. Many know of the first hurtle that can come up when things go bad, one or both people involved believing that they eventually make the other convert.

That one issue is the most significant pain in the ass in my mind because it reeks of distrust and being shady. Limiting your actions and interactions to try and outrightly force or slightly edge another away from the beliefs that they may hold near and dear to them.

That was the prime issue that held me back from doing an interfaith relationship, worry that my partner may be a bible-thumper in disguise since he long knew of my Pagan status. Eventually I got over it since my resolution was to leave him if he ever tried to hit me with an ultamatum down the road. I trust him, but you never know 100%

So with all of this talk of being weary, do you think you should commit to an interfaith relationship? To be honest, my belief is that if you think its right for you then jump.

The key to any good relationship is to have good communication, if the both (or whatever the number may be) of you don’t talk about the topic of faith beforehand,  then you could very well be setting yourself up for heart ache.

I would even go a step further, if it were me, to try and guage whether the person(s) I’m trying to date have a strong bond with their parents. Many people do, I recall a time where a girl who I liked had no issue with my faith, yet when her religious parents found out barred her from seeing me. It sucked, but eventually she stood for herself and gave them her ass to kiss.

If you know the person has strong ties with their parents, it may be a good idea to either be honest and let then know if they don’t already, or form a good relationship with them beforehand.

Such wonder can be found in interfaith dating, for one you expand your awareness of other cultures and traditions, which can further your own practices and faith dedication. You can gain deep insight by revealing and being shown something that may be intensely private, which of course cements the relationship and the love you share.

At first it may be daunting, imagine going to a mosque, church, temple, or ritual space for the first time!

Though I would personally feel a bit nervous of such a prospect, if someone thinks of you in such a way to invite you to a religious event of theirs, take it. If you’re not yet ready then speak up, don’t do anything you’re uncomfortable with.

I could go on and on, but in the end the decision is up to you, don’t go in the situation with a negative frame of thought, that only poisons the well you’re about to drink out of. Instead, keep an open mind and heart, that way you set the stage for great blessings you both can enjoy.

With communication, love, and honesty, any people of any faith can have long lasting bonds and love, don’t limit yourself to any one person or faith tradition, you only do yourself a disservice.

A Minority In A Minority (26September2013)

As an African-American Pagan, sometimes I feel the pressure of discomfort as I celebrate my faith. Its not as if I feel alienated by others within my faith because of my skin color, not by a long shot. The discomfort stems from having very little contact with other pagans who happen to be black as well.

Its odd that so many people who have pagan ancestry are vastly detatched from that spirituality in my eyes. Within my own community I see plenty who honor their African ancestry with the garb and regalia and sometimes speech, yet once you try and go into the spiritual aspects that went along with the clothing suddenly they flatline.

I understand that during the time of slavery we were heavily indoctrinated with the Christian mindset, either that or be erroneously punished; but now that we don’t have to worry about such a reprimand, we as a people seem to blackout that religious time period.

As I look at the people who are around me I sometimes feel the insecurity of feeling like the “other”, as if I don’t belong with the swaths of red, brown, blonde and black hair. As if I’m unwelcomed, not by others’ actions or deeds, but by having no one to relate to me on a cultural perspective of being a black Pagan. I have no issue with my brothers or sisters of European descent, I just wish there were more African-Americans like me who know how it feels to leave the predominantly Christian culture.


The God Is The Goddess (28September2013)

All is one and one is all

Everything that we see is made of the one creative force that existed since the beginning of the universe. The transfer from the formless but fertile mass of the darkness to the zest and dazzling shine of the light.

There may or not be a God/s,Goddess/es, of spirit/s, but whether there is or not is irrelevant because we will be working from the premise of there being one or more.

When many think of the God and Goddess, however they may be thought of, there is usually the distinction between what associations are in the God’s realm and what is the Goddess’s. This division, in my eyes, is incorrect for the simple fact that it limits one form or another to a singular aspect, which is in contrast to the nature of the universe.

Of course, each practitioner of nature is free to believe what they choose, my opinion is of my own just as yours is of you.

I take the usual God and Goddess astrological correspondence of the Moon being of the Goddess and the Sun being of the God. Why is this so? Why can’t the God be of the Moon, emotions, magic(k), dreams and occult practices and the Goddess be of the harvest, Sun, the wild and nature? We sometimes get so wrapped up in what we’re told is the “right” thing to think that we start making a dogma, which of itself is dangerous.

We see enough of this in other faiths, where one is told not only what to believe, but also considered not of the faith if they stray from the traditional teachings. This is something that I advocate against, especially in more eclectic pagan faiths where tradition is bent to fit the individual’s wants and needs. By opening your mind and questioning the the things that you’re taught, you allow for a more diverse practice and spirituality. My practice for example is unique to me, not being centered on usual pagan beliefs but instead on all. Anything can be used to represent anything and I do my best to ensure that I limit as little as possible when I do things such as ritual. Some things I do that are in conflict with most spiritual teachings and pagan practices (one of the most known being Wicca) comes with how I do ritual.

My invocations are done counter-clockwise, my elemental directions aren’t the usual earth=north, air=east, fire=south, and water=west. For me, earth=south, fire=east, air=north, and water=west. The sun and moon don’t have fixed gender correspondences in my eyes since they are one the same.

God and Goddess, just gender terms to describe archetypal forms, they are of and beyond gender, part of the cohesive mix that ties the knot keeping the universe whole. Once you open your eyes to mixing both forms and see their mark in all that you see will you gain new insight.

All in all, don’t be afraid to think out of the box, Deity is a very bendable concept that can fit into any person’s imagination. All you need is faith and the will to think outside the box, then like a blind who sees for the first time, you will see beauty in the most mundane things.

Is Deity Really Perfect? (28September2013)

As a child I always heard that God was the perfect being, that he (coming from a Christian worldview) was capable of no wrong and all from him was righteous. As I grew up and started questioning such premises I began to realize why perfection was such a bad thing.

Even though these experiences and beliefs are solely my own and far from the only way of thinking, its a truth that is right for me at this time. As far as I can tell, with all the wars, disease, poverty, injustice and general negativity, I’ve come to the conclusion that an active God/dess cannot be perfect. If he or she is so intricately tied to the functions if the universe and earth in specific then he/she/it is a lazy ass and isn’t worth my time. *to put it bluntly* However, when one considers the imbalances we see in the world, however bad we may see them to be, the truth is that with life you get a mixed bag of good, bad, terrible and terrific. Because we have this dynamic cycle of deficit and excess, life is able to grow and contract accordingly.

Imagine it like this, if you were to move your arm with five pounds pulling upward, yet gravity was pulling you down with the same force you wouldn’t be able to move that arm. Or if the universe were to come forth with a perfectly even distribution there would be no life or beauty; just a stale mix of nothingness.

To have perfection is to have staleness because nothing ever needs to change, everything is always marching with its own monotonous drum. Nothing is ever truly perfect because that’s nit the concept with which our universe is based upon. And if there truly is a deity attached to the fabric of the universe then it too is as imperfect as its creation.

You always have people who want to project their vision, hopes and dreams in other people and concepts. This is why American culture has the issue of Deifying athletes, celebrities and politicians to such inhuman standards, they expect too much from so little. The same is especially true in religion, where you have billions of people who are free to adopt, alter, make up, or push on others any way of thinking for their own gain. They’re some who are victim card holders and adopt a God who will always take care of any harm or wrong done in the world. When things don’t go right its because of some outside force and almost never a misjudgment on their part. You also have people who are independent and acknowledge both the good and bad done as being their own responsibility. Having a religious beluef just gives more hope to them as they live their life.

This is the great imperfection of life, not having a cohesive mix of ideas and belief structures, which fuels debate, yet another product of imbalance.

We are graced with the gift and curse of imbalance, never having enough or just the right amount, but through this constant turmoil of need and want, have and have nots, change is able to occur. The fierce explosion of change may occur where we do our damndest to ensure that things are done to their best, which will never be, but that’s not the point. The point of this crazy imbalanced world is to try and bring change when we see it needs to be done. To have the honor and civility to say that even though things aren’t right that doesn’t mean it has to stay that way.

This, my friend, is what I mean by perfect imperfection, chaos is the beginning and end, we just try to adjust to it. By this constant adjusting, we thus prove that Deity in whatever form cannot actually be perfect.

YOU Are The Circle! (22September2013)

I feel that I must state again and again to some practitioners that having a magical circle is not absolutely necessary when conducting ritual. It is but one of many practices that can be employed, but is not by any means the end all be all of Pagan worship.

The circle,  by which I mean the holy space that is used to channel the energies of the divine is within each and every one of us. Having a physical marker has no power unless we give it that power, but by us simply being of the Divine we are granted some of its potent energy. It all rests within the confined yet vast expanses of the mind, depending upon our worldly outlook we may shackle or set our spirits free to whatever belief attempts to restrain us.

Unless it is your choice, do not let a layer of salt, a circle of stones or a weave of ribbons determine your level of protection, for you are always protected. Have that certainty and etch it into your very being so that you never feel compelled to look outward for gratification,  but in the mirror.